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Why Membership Matters

Our Be the Church class is designed to help each person make an informed decision about their commitment to the CCC covenant family. We share what we believe about the gospel, the vision and mission God has called us to, and our expectations for one another. In addition, we answer questions about the strategies we’re currently using to love God, people, and our community. At the conclusion of the class, participants will be asked to consider their next step and whether they would like to become a covenant member.

What does that mean? And why do we do covenant membership?

When anyone enters into relationship with God by grace from, and faith in, the person and work of Jesus Christ they are entering into two covenants: The first is to journey with God for the rest of their lives and love Him fully. The second is to journey with His other children in the community of the local church.

Your membership in a church is an official recognition of this, and the purposes of Christ Community Membership Covenant is:

  1. To join the Spirit in forming an authentic church community that reflects the relationship between the Father, Son & Spirit. The Trinity is interdependent upon one another. They sacrifice for one another and fully know each other. It’s a relationship that is supernatural and incomprehensible to human minds. Our relationships with fellow church members mirrors that. The church community often doesn’t make sense to the outside eye. We love each other even when it’s hard and only with the help of the Holy Spirit.

  2. To clarify the on-going blessings and responsibilities of each member. Clear expectations go a long way in any relationship. Our covenant sets expectations for what we should expect from ourselves as followers of Christ as well as one another as we seek Him together. When we meet our expectations and the expectations of others, it’s a huge blessing!

  3. To encourage consistency, accountability, and loving unity within the church family. Grace is always balanced by truth. Jesus came full of grace and truth. Without truth, we are all just hanging out and left to our own sinful hearts and lives. On the flip side, with no grace, we become legalistic and prideful. Our covenant reminds us of the truth in a way that encourages us while at the same time reminding us to cling to the grace we have through Christ.

  4. To accomplish God’s call for the Christ Community Church family. Scripture teaches us that God’s instrument for accomplishing his purpose on earth is the local church. He has called Christ Community specifically to our community here in Shelbyville as well as the vision of church planting. Those things only move forward when we are united as a covenant family.

The agreement we make in our covenant does not imply that we will never fall short of the goals, but that the desire of our heart is to fulfill each of the responsibilities stated to the best of our ability. We trust that our commitment will be a personal blessing to our own journey in Christ, as well as a blessing to those around us.


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