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New Session of Community Groups Launch February 2nd

Updated: Feb 7, 2020

Our new community group session launches on Sunday, February 2nd! Go through the study Answers to Tough Questions in any of our six available community groups. Group leaders, times, and days along with a description of this session's study are listed below. Email for more information.


Merckes at 5:15 PM Elliots at 6:30 PM


Brights at 6 PM


Rannells/Hagar at 6:30 PM


Bensons at 6:30 PM


Combs/Mattingly at 6:30 PM

Johnsons at 6:30 PM

"It can be hard to live out our faith in the midst of a culture of confusion. Christians also face the challenge of many competing voices. A battle is raging for our hearts and minds, and it seems skeptics have taken the microphone. People outside the church hardly know the Bible at all, and even many believers do not know Scripture as well as they should. Consequently, Christians are ill-equipped to provide the answers our culture and communities desperately need. In this study, Answers to Tough Questions, we will learn how our faith challenges us to go to God’s Word instead of Google for answers. The questions we’ll raise are the ones skeptics often ask, and while they may appear difficult, we find answers in the Bible. In answering tough questions we will discover how to defend our faith and point to The Answer—Jesus Christ."


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