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Covenant Member Update - 10.8.20

  • We are not currently moving to two Gathering times. Though more and more people come back each week, the inconsistency of attendance does not allow for us to move forward with this plan. Attendance has hovered between 120–150, but it’s a different group weekly. Our ability to host an environment that our community feels safe attending is dependent on the consistent attendance of our covenant members.

  • We successfully opened a preschool classroom this past weekend and are hopeful that we can continue to reopen other elements of our children’s ministry.

  • Edge Students continues to grow and thrive throughout the pandemicSundays at 5 PM for grades 612.

  • Increased giving through Q3 has encouraged us to propose a 2021 budget that has a 10% cut as opposed to $50,000 (which would have been about 13%). We continue to work on long-term strategies that help us prioritize missions giving in future budgets, including considering better alternatives for long-term building space.

- July: $25,519

- August: $36,721

- September: $40,008

- QUARTER TOTAL: $102,248

- ANNUAL TOTAL: $257,938

  • Since the last meeting, we were excited to celebrate Tate Spoonamore's baptism and are looking forward to Derrick & Amy Page being baptized this weekend! They are the first adults over 25 being baptized this year—a reminder to us that we need to be sharing Jesus with our peers and not just as parents.

  • Coming Up

- New Series: Getting Out

- Annual Meeting


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