Join us this month in Community Kids as we learn truths about God through the story of Ruth. We can trust God to write our stories because of who He is and what He has done for us through Jesus. His story can become ours. In the book of Ruth, we see how God provides companions, hope, boldness and confidence that He always takes care of us. We will be memorizing the verse, Psalm 121:8: “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”
Week One: Our graduating 5th graders will be leading our gathering and teaching us that God gives us companions, like Naomi and Ruth. But not only does He provide people in our lives to be there for us, He also gives us the ultimate companion, the Holy Spirit, to dwell within us. (Ruth 1; Acts 2:1-6)
Week Two: Just like Ruth and Naomi, many people around the world face different struggles and hardships, but we learn that hope can always be found in God. (Ruth 2; Romans 5:1-5)
Week Three: We learn that God gives us boldness, like Ruth, when we follow the plans that He has for us. It takes boldness to put our hope in God. (Ruth 3; Psalm 42)
Week 4: In the story of Ruth, Boaz took care of the family by becoming a redeemer. This is the greatest way that God takes care of us; He gave us Jesus, our ultimate Redeemer, to save us from our sins. (Ruth 4; Psalm 16)
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