One of my kids loves to go barefoot outside in the summer.
When she (Yeah, I just narrowed down the options of who it is..) is ready to come back in, it might as well be a biohazard. Play time in the creek beds, on the concrete drive, and who knows where else leaves the bottoms of her feet black. We won't even talk about the hands, face, and distinct smell of sweaty hair.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Going outside with kids can get messy.
That statement rings true for our church family, too.
As we help our kids join Jesus on the outside, it. is. messy.
Our Community Kids Director, Krysta Howell, has a heart for teaching kids the Bible like few I've seen. She's incredibly organized and a better leader than she gives herself credit for!
And as our church family is growing, Community Kids can get messy. You put double digit toddlers in a room and things can get messy, FAST! Treats, toys, tantrums.. yup. That's a mess.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Going outside with kids can get messy.
Here's my request: Jump in the mess. We need about 6-8 more volunteers in our Preschool area ASAP.
My guarantee? It'll be messy.
But know this - You'll be joining Jesus because he's already there.
Contact to get in the mess and serve with Community Kids. Got questions first? You can contact her or as well.