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Katie Gaither transitioning to Community Involvement role.

As summer 2021 began and many people and activities began returning to a greater sense of normalcy, God was stirring in several leaders at CCC.

The pastor/elders were seeking the Lord not only on how to best shepherd people in this new season, but also how to give direction as things were stabilizing post-pandemic. Several conversations and times together led to a couple of key observations:

  1. We needed to clarify our strategy for reaching out to our community and loving people as we shared Jesus with them.

  2. We needed to invest as much time, energy, and resources into relationships as we could.

At the same time, God was stirring Katie Gaither’s heart about her gifts and calling. She courageously came to us as leaders and shared that she was sensing a release from Kids ministry and a longing to return to giving more of her efforts to reaching out to our community, a role she had led in before.

Over the course of several weeks that included much prayer, conversation, and consideration, we began to affirm together what we sensed God leading us as a church family to do. As a result, the pastor/elders are leading us to these next steps:

  1. A Community Involvement staff position is needed that will not only serve our partners and clarify our missions strategy, but will also work to connect each person at CCC to their next step on mission. We believe Katie Gaither is not only equipped, but is called by God to move into this role.

  2. CCC will seek a full-time staff position to serve as the leader of our Community Kids ministry. Our vision and desire for Community Kids is to serve and love Shelbyville by building the healthiest families and kids we can through Jesus-centered ministry and outreach.

Beginning August 16, 2021, Katie will begin in her new role. Community Kids will enter an interim season led by Krysta Howell and the existing teams who are tremendous leaders.

A search team will be commissioned by the Pastor/Elders to find our next Community Kids leader. We covet your prayers and would hope to recommend a candidate for the position late fall of 2021.

We have confidence that we are leading as the Lord is leading us, but we also recognize we are human and must remain open to God’s continued leading. In that, we trust the Spirit’s work in you, too, church family, and would love for you to speak into what’s needed - both practically and in terms of the person God calls - to build the healthiest kids and family ministry we can. Contact or reach out to any of our Pastor/Elders.



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