This Love Shelbyville Day (Sunday, October 25th) is going to look a little different than usual. Every fourth Sunday, instead of our usual gathering we “go outside” the walls of our church and serve in the community. In addition to some of our more traditional serving groups, this Sunday we will distribute 1200 35 lb boxes of food to our community from the Governor's Square parking lot. That's A LOT of food (a whole semi truck's worth, to be exact), so we need A LOT of help! Join us at Governor's Square at 10 AM to gather into groups, pray, and go out into our community to serve. Check out the opportunities listed below, and contact Katie Gaither with any questions.
A Place to Sleep
Four bed deliveries to local families
Backpack Project
Packing bags of food for Shelby County students
Encouraging Two Local Families
Serving two local families by writing encouraging letters to one and shopping for and creating care packages for another
Food Truck
Distributing food boxes to our local community from the parking lot at Governor's Square
Stormhaven Youth Ranch
Cleaning and ranch chores