Starting April 16 our church will work through a mini-series inside of our study in the gospel of Luke we're calling "Plain and Simple."
Maybe you've been confused by people who claim to be Christians, but don't live like Jesus. Perhaps you're excited to know Jesus as your Savior and the forgiver of your sins, but you don't understand how that changes your life.
Over the next 5 weeks, we’ll listen in to Jesus’ sermon on the plain as he teaches his followers the principles he lives by and calls them to live those out. We’ll try to be like Jesus and keep it “Plain and Simple.” Using these principles as the building blocks of our daily lives causes us to look more and more like Jesus
Luke makes a shift in his gospel from writing about how Jesus was proving his Lordship to the Pharisees to now teaching his disciples the implications of his Lordship on their lives. Theophilus would have encountered many of Jesus’ disciples — as well as many who probably claimed to be. Being certain about Christ certainly involves seeing his followers consistently live out his values. It can be confusing when people who don’t act like Jesus claim him as their Lord. But when someone has truly made Jesus Lord of their life, you can tell. Their life reflects Jesus’ life!
We'll be invited to live for a different kingdom. We'll be challenged to love our enemies. We'll be reminded to use Jesus as our standard. We'll learn the value of guarding and growing our heart. And we'll see the reward of digging deep!
Come join us on Sunday mornings (10 am) beginning April 16-May 14.