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Storyweaving, childlike faith, endings, courage, and peacemaking. (Top of Mind Monday)

I marvel at how God weaves stories together.

The stories we're privileged to hear at Christ Community can be overwhelming and inspiring all at the same time. What's even more beautiful about that from our leaders perspective is that it can be incredibly frustrating to plan and prepare for. There's always this goal out there of being so on top of things and in tune with the Spirit that stories match up with sermons and themes and all the things! But most of the time, we're living in the moment with people as God writes the stories. So when God weaves stories together like he did yesterday with the story of the disciples interacting with Jesus and Sarah's story, I marvel at it! God's glory shines!

When we move beyond childlike faith, our motive is often to be right.

At the end of a long day of ministry and community, my wise wife Katelyn made that statement. And I think she's right. Many of the debates we get into aren't motivated by a genuine pursuit of who God is, but rather a heart or mind that wants to justify it's own position. That wants to be right.

It's wisdom I'm still chewing on and convicted by this morning..

Don't be afraid of endings.

My D-group is on week 52 this week! It's bittersweet as we talk about what's next, who God's calling us to disciple, and how to celebrate the year we've spent together.

I've been reminded as it's winding down not to be afraid of endings. Endings, if we're not afraid to allow them, give God space to do something new in our lives.

Is there something coming to an end in your life that gives you an opportunity?

Is there something you need to end so that God can do something new?

Confession leads to courage.

Our Community Group ended up in a conversation about confession as we worked through Jesus calling Peter to ministry in Luke 5:1-11. When Peter recognized all of God's glory, his response was to confess his sinfulness. Jesus then told him to not be afraid and start following him. The rest, as they say, is history.

The idea that confession leads to courage seems so counterintuitive, but drawing near to the Lord and confessing your sin may give you the courage you need to live the life he's called you to!

"If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Romans 12:18)

Today and tomorrow, political opinions will be as accessible as free samples at Costco on a Saturday! If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Vote. Have an opinion. But remember that we're citizens in God's kingdom first. And in his kingdom, there is peace. Be peacemakers. That's part of "being the church."

Love y'all!


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