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Top of Mind Monday

The list of brain-bouncing ideas hit 7 this morning! What's the Lord got running through your heart and mind today???

Jesus prays for us. That one truth keeps encouraging me! As you and I face the world this week, we can remember that Jesus is interceding for us (and believers everywhere) that our faith won't fail. What a grace! If you missed yesterday, here's a link to watch the stream from yesterday.

We're sending more than just Dave this week! As a church we prayed over Dave Sullivan as he heads to Honduras this week, but I failed to include Nik & Ruth Ripken who begin a collection of trips this week to encourage believers in South Carolina, Texas, and even here in Kentucky! Pray for them, and if you want to learn more about their story and ministry, head to

Praying for future deacons here at CCC. Over the last couple of years, we have navigated a process of installing deacons to be servant leaders alongside our pastor/elders and staff. Yesterday after church, those still in that nomination process met with the pastor/elders over lunch to continue to discern their calling as well as clarify vision for deacons at CCC. Pray for them! And trust that our church family will hear more on this process soon.

The EDGE Hangover. When I walk in the building on Monday mornings, one of the things I love is the EDGE hangover. Remnants of student ministry - gaga ball pits, small group circles, sign-ups.. you know.. YOUTH stuff! - are everywhere! We have a fantastic team of leaders led by Kenny Mattingly who are doing some incredible stuff with teens on Sunday nights! If you have or know a teen, don't let them miss out!

Touched Twice donation of the week: DISPOSABLE RAZORS. All through February, we're collecting items for the free medical clinic Touched Twice. I need constant reminders of what we're collecting - which is why it's top of mind! This week, disposable razors - which I don't need as much since the winter beard is still hanging around!

Southlawn. We're in a season of praying specifically for the people and streets right around our building. Katie led us to start praying for Southlawn Dr. this week. Set a reminder in your phone and as I heard one CCC member say recently, "PRAY LIKE GOD IS LISTENING!"

Christ the story, his the glory, AMEN! The little video yesterday coupled with the new song we've been learning (Christ, the True and Better) just made an impact on me! This whole thing is about Jesus - He's the story, his the glory, AMEN!


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