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Top of Mind Monday

Road-trip! I'm excited to be writing "Top of Mind Monday" from the comfort of the passenger seat as a few of our leaders head to a conference in Cleveland, OH. I'm looking forward to time with the Lord, our leaders, and some other leaders from around the world who love Jesus. Direct my heart, Spirit!

40 people saying yes. It was kind of exciting (in a strange way) to invite our church to say "YES" to 40 volunteer opportunities this fall at Christ Community! Make sure and check it out and get in the action! You can pick up or turn in your hard copy at the Connect desk OR sign-up online here.

New Baby! Take the Roloson's a meal! Peter and Molly Roloson welcomed home a new little one recently! There's nothing quite like the gift of a new life! Love on the Roloson's by signing up to take them a meal here.

2 Thessalonians 3:5. I love this verse and I love praying it for myself and others! I'm always preaching to myself too.. and this one stuck in my heart through the night. “May the Lord direct your hearts to God’s love and Christ’s endurance.” (‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

Christian Relationships that span across time and place. I had the opportunity Sunday night to return to the first church that I served on staff and speak at a worship night. It was so good to hug people I hadn't seen in years and remember sweet moments of ministry together. It was such a healthy reminder of the blessing of Christian relationships that span across time and place. And just think.. one day in heaven, we will all enjoy the love, friendship, and joy of people who have rallied together around Jesus.


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