I love the local church. More than that, I love the local church I get to be a part of! Here's 5 things from gathering together yesterday that have me hopeful for what God's doing.
"I want those 2 songs sung at my funeral." This was a comment I heard after we sang "Because He Lives" and "Living Hope" together at the end of the Gathering yesterday. I'm not sure there's a better compliment for a song! Singing to one another and reminding each other of some core truth's of the gospel was super encouraging! One might even say "a mountaintop moment..." And those always move us to the mission! So... the next 3 things are all about how you can be a part of the mission next weekend!
JOIN us for 101. 101 gives us a chance to serve you lunch (+childcare) and also connect you to Jesus and the church in a meaningful way - even if that church isn't us! If you've been hanging around CCC for a short time or a while and you're ready to take a next step, RSVP to 101 here.
GO Love Shelbyville! We'll gather shortly at 10 am and then we will GO out to serve! We need all hands on deck! Get signed up ahead of time so we can serve effectively, or just show up and we'll help you find your spot. And bring a friend!
MAKE your way to Juniper Hills to build some relationships. Next Sunday night, we've reserved Juniper Hills in Frankfort for a night of swimming and hanging out. Come, bring a friend, then make some friends as we soak up summer together and look for opportunities to build disciplemaking relationships.
Proud Dad moment. Yesterday Tinley served our church family by running the slides for our gathering! HUGE shoutout to Krysta Howell who has been calling out our kids gifts and teaching them to serve. Tinley put it to use and she did great! It was a good reminder to me that one of the best ways we can help our pre-teens and teens connect in church is by helping them find a place to serve. So, just in case you are inspired to help your teen serve and connect, here's a list of volunteer teams (and their leader's email) at CCC where they might find a place: Audio/Visual (dj@loveshelbyville.com), Hospitality (lawyersbk@gmail.com), Community Kids (krysta@loveshelbyville.com).