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Top of Mind Monday

Crystal and Paislee!

Celebrating new life in Christ through baptism always lingers in your mind and yesterday was no different! It was a joy to baptize Crystal and Paislee! Let's love them well CCC family!

How much I want community for each of you.

One of the things I've learned over the years is the heartache of desiring things with and for others. Community - real life-sharing connection - is something I want for each person connected to the CCC family! This coming Sunday, there's a lunch for any new faces or old faces not connected to a group. Kenny will lead the group through some of the why's and how's of community and help you find your fit. RSVP for lunch and/or childcare by Wednesday to

The freedoms God graces us with

Preaching sermons and living sermons are two entirely different things. I'm still learning to live yesterdays. But this morning, I woke up feeling grateful for the freedoms that God reminded us of in his word this week. Freedom from busyness, exploitation, and anxiety? Yes, please. And THANK YOU Lord for those graces!

The stories coming from Central Asia this coming weekend

This coming weekend, you'll hear more about CCC's adventure to Central Asia! I'm excited for us to continue to lean in together on how we can love our extended family there. You won't want to miss it!

Touched Twice deserves our treasures and our time

We mentioned during next steps that we were collecting items for Touched Twice. You can find the list of items here. But I want to challenge us CCC! In an INVASIVE way! Touched Twice deserves our treasures and our time! Touched Twice has met some of the greatest needs in our community for 15 years! This is a great chance to love on the people of Shelbyville and share the good news of Jesus with them. You can learn more or get signed up at


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