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Top of Mind Monday

I'm really thankful for a church family that challenges and changes me. Yesterday, I was in and out of a meeting where our missions leadership team heard from some new partners we're preparing to send out. Then I heard from GAP, and Kenny, and our deacons in their meeting yesterday. And that doesn't count a ton of conversations in between! The common thread in most of those conversations was that CCC is full of people striving to JOIN JESUS IN GOING OUT TO MAKE DISCIPLES. I was challenged yesterday to ask if I was doing that or if I'd settled into a comfortable place and routine. It changed me. I'm thankful for a church family that does that. It's life giving!

I keep coming back to people I need to forgive. Kenny's encouragement to keep letting God search me for anger and resentment has caused me to keep coming back to people I need to forgive. How many times have I murdered those people emotionally? Ouch. More and more thankful with each passing moment that I'm NOT the author of life and death, but that I know the one who is.

My God, why have you forsaken me? I'm hearing that question a little differently after hearing Nik Ripken's sermon at Southeastern Seminary's chapel service this week. I'd encourage you to give it a listen starting at the 24:30 mark:

"We want the gospel to be attached to everything we do." I was so encouraged by our friends from GAP, but perhaps most encouraging and challenging was that statement above. If we're going to "Be the Church," we have to work towards that being true in our lives as well. Not just when we go serve with a partner or go on a trip.

Speaking of "Be the Church.."

I'm looking forward to teaching what we believe and what it means to be a member of the CCC family. It's the last class in our membership class. Even if you haven't made the others, if you're interested in becoming a member or learning more about what it means to become one, you're invited! RSVP to blake@loveshelbyville so we can get a count on food and childcare.

One more thing... a blood drive! Josh Settles and the team at Kingdom House had faithfully served our community by hosting blood drives for the American Red Cross. With their building situation in flux (A prayer point!), he messaged and asked if CCC could take this on for 2024. Come donate life-giving blood this Tuesday, tell your friends, and you might even share Jesus with the person who sticks a needle in your arm. ;)

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