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Top of Mind Monday

Y'all. I know I have a skewed perspective. I'm a sinner and most every Sunday, I'm in the same place. But there just seems to be something really sweet about what God is leading our church family into.

There's 6 things on my mind this morning about our church that God has cultivated in us over the years that were evident in some really tangible ways yesterday as the Gathering ended and we look forward to a week on mission..

We're a singing church. There's a difference between a church that has a great band and a church that IS a great band. The latter has people engaged with their hearts and their voices. If you were around for those final moments as we sang Goodness of God yesterday, welcome to the band! I was so honored to be a part of that moment of worship with y'all!

We're a praying church. We invited our church to specifically pray for this week's EDGE students headed to Crossings. Kenny had people asking if there were any more envelopes available! They were gone; an evidence of our desire to pray, and a great hope for what God's going to do in their lives this week!

We're a church that loves the next generation. This one follows the previous, but was also seen as kids ran around with bowls of ice cream after the Gathering! Why? Because most all of them had memorized some of the books of the Bible! As a pastor, church member, and dad, there's just something sweet about seeing young people run around with their Bibles, hungry to open them and learn about the God who created them.

We're a church that loves to be together. Have you noticed lately that most of the time when we say "Go be the church" that just means you change sections and connect with someone you didn't sit by? For like a strong 45 minutes to an hour, people just keep connecting. And not just old friends, but new friends, too! It's really fun to see that as we grow numerically our depth of love for one another is growing as well.

We're a serving church. A group of teens left the Gathering and went to clean Mercy Medical (A free medical clinic ran by our partners at Operation Care). Can you imagine what a group of young people learning to lead through service can do to see God's kingdom come in Shelbyville?!?! You can get lost in those thoughts for a little bit if you want..

BONUS: Our next partner podcast is out, listen in as I sit down with Gerald from Father's Love - another place we're serving this summer!

We're a sending church. When I first came to Christ Community a little over 11 years ago, sending people to full-time missions overseas wasn't even on our radar; we were basically trying to survive as a new church! What a testimony to God's faithfulness to the nations! And what a joy that God would let us be a part! Don't miss out next weekend as we love on, celebrate, and send Mike and Sarah - it's going to be special!


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