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Top of Mind Monday - 5 Things

This seemed to go well last week. And my brain usually swirls on Monday, so here's what's swirling this week as it relates to the people and mission of Christ Community Church!

  1. Changing seats changed my perspective. My family was in this weekend and we ended up sitting in one of the side sections. I had a ton of things on my mind, was a bit tired, and wasn't as engaged in worship as the band led us in singing. As we sang In Christ Alone we came to this line: "Then bursting forth in glorious day, up from the grave he rose again!" As we sang that I turned and saw all kinds of hands in the air, and people singing with all they had. It was good for my soul. I needed to see the body embody that line in worship. Thank you!

  2. It's always exciting to welcome new family members! It's encouraging whenever people commit to a local church. In a society that has watered down the value of commitment, it's life-giving to watch people make a commitment to one another because of their bond in Christ. Tracey, Dan, Owen, and Madeline - welcome to the family! And thanks for leaning into your faith. Keep joining Jesus in going out..

  3. I find myself returning to heartache for the people of Florida. Whether it's a conversation with people who's retirement homes are damaged or hearing stories of complete devastation or harrowing photos, I keep finding myself returning to the damage in Florida from Hurricane Ian. It makes me super grateful for Disaster Relief squads from sister churches all across the country who are sending people not just to serve, but to share Jesus while they do it. Jesus, heal hearts hurting from this hurricane..

  4. I'm still thankful for people that Jesus has sent to lead me. In the sermon, I confessed some of the weaknesses I have and how Jesus has provided leaders for me in those areas. I mentioned pastor/elders past and current by name. Since then, the Lord continues to bring to mind women and men he has sent to teach me how to follow Jesus. Makes me think about Paul's words to Timothy in 2 Tim:1-5: "I recall your sincere faith that first lived in your grandmother Eunice and now, I am convinced, is in you also." What great men and women of faith planted seeds of faith in you? Thank them! Who are you planting seeds of faith in?

  5. You'll hear me keep pushing our church to prayerfully recommend people as elders and deacons over the next few weeks. I believe with all my heart that for our church to keep going out and making disciples, it is crucial for us to keep identifying the leaders that Jesus is calling to lead us. If you missed the gathering this weekend, make sure and catch the sermon, check out the resources on deacons that we have up on this site, pray, and then recommend leaders you believe to be qualified for the roles of elders and deacons at

Christ Community, we love you. Let's all love Jesus.

- Blake


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