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Top of Mind Monday: Roadmap Edition

  1. Listen in to a new podcast segment: Roadmap! Daniel Bright and I jumped in the podcast room to record a new segment we're trying on Love Shelbyville weekends. We wanted to celebrate some of the ways we've seen the mission take steps forward and talk about what's coming as we JOIN Jesus in GOING out to MAKE disciples. Check out the July Edition. You might even hear a reference to pig wrestling!

  2. I can feel the anticipation for Elementary Camp! With the largest group of kids ever (and a ton of loving adults who are going with them), I heard conversation after conversation yesterday getting excited about the fun that's about to be had. Let's be praying, too, for all the gospel encounters that are going to happen. This week might be the week some of our kids decide to give their lives to Jesus!

  3. The way you Love Shelbyville never ceases to amaze me. You showed up and served out Sunday! From bingo, to building fence, to loving on a local widow and more, y'all served in so many ways and God gets the glory! If you LOVE love Shelbyville, put September 24 on your calendar - that's the next one!

  4. Shout out to Seth Howell for getting me in the water at Juniper Hills! Seth was challenging guys to climb the rock wall at Juniper Hills from the beginning of the night, and it helped get a bunch of us in the water. Seth, you're the man. Best climber I know! Ha!

  5. I'm looking forward to this coming weekend's Gathering as Jeff Bracken preaches. As summer winds down, this will be a great Sunday to get back in that Sunday morning rhythm before school gets started. One of the best parts will be getting to hear Jeff bring the word! Come, bring your Bible, invite a friend, and let's join Jesus in what he has for us this weekend.

  6. The last Summer Invite Night is taking us AROUND THE WORLD! The Hager's and Rannel's Community Group is hosting a pool party with food from around the world next Sunday, July 30! Here's some more details...

  7. All the Fall Launches are right around the corner! Don't miss out... Kick off with Community Kids is August 6, Back to School Bash is that evening, and we'll start a new series Community Group launch the week of August 13. Decide today to make connecting with CCC a priority this fall!


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