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Top of Mind Monday - Straight Outta Thanksgiving Edition

Many of us were coming off of a week of family, food, and gratitude, but yesterday was an incredible way to come straight outta Thanksgiving and run towards a Christmas season where we are reminded that God put on flesh for us! 5 thoughts rolling around the ol' noggin this chilly last Monday of November...

Lyle, walk in the newness of life through Christ! Lyle's story is an encouragement to me! He's faithfully responding to things as the Lord calls him to! And it was awesome to celebrate with his friends and family before heading out to serve yesterday. Lyle, walk in the newness of life through Christ, man. We're here to walk with you. Speaking of baptisms, I know we have at least one more coming before the end of the year! If you need to be baptized, don't hesitate! Reach out!

"It got me thinking about how I can use my talents to help." Love Shelbyville days are just awesome! We served in a lot of ways, met a lot of needs, got kids more involved, and all kinds of stuff. I got a message from a new attender to CCC who served yesterday and was inspired! I loved this line from her note: "It got me thinking about how I can use my talents to help." That's a huge win in all kinds of ways - and exactly what God wants us to do.

CCC, let's hit our $10,000 goal for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. On December 17, everything we give will go to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering that supports our international missionary partners through the IMB. Over the next 2 weeks, you'll hear about 2 partners we work with specifically. Also, you'll have the opportunity to buy some CCC swag in the lobby with all the proceeds going towards the offering! On Christmas Eve, we'll celebrate what we're giving!

When you're sick, ask people to pray for you. It's a season of sickness! Ask us to pray for you when you're sick! Not just because we're itching to know, but because Scripture encourages it! James 5:14-15 says, "Is anyone among you sick? He should call for the elders of the church, and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up; if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven." So call us! We want to pray!

If you missed our annual meeting, catch some of the celebrations and 2024 previews from the annual report. Our annual meeting is always a time of celebrating God's faithfulness among us and looking forward to the year to come! If you missed it, you can pick up a copy of the annual report at the Connect Desk or view it here.


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