Come with us as we spend time together, live on mission, connect with our partners and MORE this summer! After all, church is a Y'ALL thing!
Being TOGETHER in a world with so many options and distractions is really difficult. It makes us wonder why put in the effort, and how it's even possible. This summer, we'll continue our journey through Luke as we join Jesus and the crew of followers who were making their way to Jerusalem where Jesus would go to the cross. On that journey, Jesus spends that relational time that connects his followers to the mission and to one another. He challenges his opponents in ways that reveal the things that keep us apart. And in it all, he spends time with them navigating the everyday journey of life.
Here's some things we're planning to help us be In the Son, TOGETHER this summer.
Trips, Camps, Hangouts and more
Save these dates and watch for more info on all of them as the weather warms up.
A special series with our partners on The Backpack podcast!
A huge part of being together is thinking OUTSIDE our walls! This summer, we're interviewing the leaders of our local mission partners on the podcast. You'll hear their stories, learn what drives them, how they work with the local church and more!
Be the Church Membership Class
Ever wonder why church membership matters? We talk about that here. A huge part of being together is being committed to shared values, missions, and beliefs. There's a chance for you to learn more about what that looks like this summer at our Be the Church class. But even better, you can start that online today! You're relationship to the church always affects your relationship with Christ. So deepen your commitment to both today!