Generosity sparks generosity. And the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is no different! The offering we will generously give to next week was inspired by the generosity of Lottie Moon herself! When funding from the Foreign Mission Board was not sufficient to provide additional workers for Moon’s lonely and arduous mission in Pingtu, China, Lottie loaned the Board $1,000 to help support a new missionary. The sum is equivalent to about $25,000 today. Lottie's generosity towards the mission sparked a movement of generosity that has lasted generations!
CCC "Gear" Update. There's a few pieces of gear that will be available this Sunday - Last chance! Several of you have asked about more stock or ordering more. There won't be this round, but know that plans are in the works for early spring!
Bring your offerings this weekend! Every penny given this weekend will go to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering! If you haven't pray about your gift, come Sunday, and generously give! Our goal is $10,000. We'll announce the total the following Sunday Christmas Eve!
"Pray over your schedule." - Melissa Ballard. Yesterday morning before church, all 3 of our leadership teams met together as we prepare for Christmas and then the new year. It was another time of great encouragement! We were having a conversation about connecting with and caring well for the people of Christ Community and the larger Shelbyville community and Melissa Ballard, one of our deacons, encouraged us to "pray over our schedules." It was a holy "WOAH" moment for me.. just like I might save money so that I can be generous, I need to guard my time so that I can be generous with it too.
Don't forget that people are more open to an invitation to church than they usually are the next 2 weeks! I can't emphasize enough that enough! Those people in your life who are trying to do life on their own without a vibrant relationship with Jesus need you to extend that invitation to hear the good news the next couple weeks! Be bold, CCC!