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  • Barren Heights Retreat: 1 more family needed to serve!

    We need ONE more CCC family to serve the weekend of June 21st-23rd at the Barren Heights Retreat Center! Email for more information or to commit to serving!

  • Undivided: New Unit in Community Kids

    When we build or follow an idol (something we put in the place of God), we are actually confusing the world around us. Our love of other things more than God testifies to the world around us that God is not good enough, that He does not satisfy, and that He won’t do what He says He will do. For an ambassador of Christ, this is not the message the dying world should hear from us. But when we submit to God's authority, accept His mercy and grace, and seek to know and follow Him, we can turn from our idolatry and rejoice in the God who saves.  God alone is worthy of our worship because He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and save us from our sins. God does satisfy, He is enough, and He always does what He says He will do! TIMELINE: Chronological retelling of God's big story from Genesis to Revelation Solomon’s idolatry had led to the kingdom splitting in two. Just as the people were divided against one another, so were they divided against God as they continued to try to worship the one true God along with false gods around them. God raised up prophets to speak on His behalf and warn the people to worship Him alone. (1 Kings 12 - 2 Kings 6) BIG QUESTION: Important Biblical truth from the unit Babies & Toddlers: What is idolatry? Idolatry is loving something else more than God. Preschool:  What is idolatry? Idolatry is loving something else more than God. Elementary: What is idolatry? Idolatry is a sin of the heart in which we love and value something else above God. KEY PASSAGE: Bible verse from the unit to memorize Babies & Toddlers: Love the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 6:5 Preschool: Deuteronomy 6:5 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. " Elementary: Deuteronomy 6:4-5 "Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your strength." Discipleship @ Home Follow the links below for resources to engage in family discipleship that align with what Community Kids are learning at church each week April 21 - Jeroboam Disobeyed God (1 Kings 12–13) April 28 - Elijah Served as a Prophet (1 Kings 16-18) May 5 - Elisha Served as a Prophet (2 Kings 2) May 12 - Elisha Performed Miracles (2 Kings 4-6) May 19 - We Are to Worship God Alone (Isaiah 44) **Stay connected by joining the Community Kids facebook group ( and find out more about what we are learning from God’s word each week!

  • A Faith & Family Milestone: Parent/Child Dedications on May 12

    It is a blessing to have growing families within our church! As our families grow in number, we are reminded of the importance of spiritual growth within a family as well. God entrusts parents with the responsibility to guide and teach their children in the faith. Here are three reasons that parent/child dedications are an important faith and family milestone: A child dedication is an acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty and blessings (Psalm 127:3-5). God created our children and loves them; our children ultimately belong to Him. A child dedication is a public declaration of a parents’ commitment to raise their child to know and follow Jesus. It is a first step in family discipleship for parents to intentionally live out their faith and teach their children how to do the same. (Ephesians 6:4). A child dedication is an affirmation of the church’s role to partner with families as they disciple their children all the way from birth through graduation and beyond! CCC desires to walk alongside parents wherever they are in their parenting journey with Biblical encouragement, support, and community (Hebrews 10:24-25). If your family is interested in learning more or participating in our dedication service on May 12, contact Krysta (

  • Top of Mind Monday!

    Now in video! Watch the 5 things on the top of Pastor Blake's mind including suffering, the key to change, Little Lighthouse, and more!

  • New Series: Seek His Kingdom

    When you believe in a resurrected king, his kingdom becomes a seen reality. Throughout the gospels, Jesus talks about the kingdom of God more than any other topic. And yet, we rarely consider the kingdom we're pursuing. The kingdoms we help build are not always like the kingdom Jesus came to establish. In Luke 12, Jesus teaches those following him several realities of his kingdom and principles for living in that kingdom. Over the next several weeks, we want to gain a clearer picture of God's kingdom because we believe the kingdom you see is the kingdom you seek. Let's seek his kingdom together. The series begins Sunday, April 14. You can pick up a book to go along with the series at the connect desk.

  • Top of Mind Monday!

    Growing leaders Those two words are on my mind in multiple ways. One, I'm coming back from a week off thankful for a ton of leaders who are growing at CCC right now! Over the last few weeks, I've watched several people fill new roles, take on more responsibility, or pursue training to get ready for what's next. That's exciting! But it's also on my mind because it's a big part of what I want to give my effort to in this next season: Growing leaders. Myself, our leadership teams, group leaders, missionaries, work place leaders.. today it's on my mind to keep growing leaders. Beauty & Brokenness - In Jamaica and in Me Katelyn and I celebrated 15 years of marriage in Jamaica last week! It was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. And at the same time, the locals who served us reminded us of the brokenness that exists there. As I try to balance reflecting on the week and getting back to work today, I'm reminded again of that same tension in me. There's beauty in what God is doing in my life. Grace abounds and his mercy is new every morning. And I'm glad, because I'm reminded of the brokenness often. For example, about day 3 in Jamaica, I realized I was more burnt out than I thought I was. I got there through a weird mixture of pride and lack of discipline. This week will bring a variety of challenges for our CCC family. Some of you will have incredibly difficult weeks while others are enjoying beautiful moments. Jesus knows what you need in both the beauty and the brokenness. Ted Dekker's fictional book "Black" While I was on the beach I wanted to read some fiction to help relax my brain. I picked up Ted Dekker's book Black and I enjoyed it! The story is somewhat carried by the redemptive story and I enjoyed how it interplayed with the main character's everyday life. One of my favorite lines in the book reminded me of just how magnificently good and dynamic God is: “Some would say the Creator is a lamb. Some would say he's a lion. Some would say both. The fact is, he is neither a lamb nor a lion. These are fiction. Metaphors. Yet the Creator is both a lamb and a lion. These are both truths.” - Ted Dekker, Black The kingdom you see is the kingdom you seek. That's the overarching premise of the new sermon series we're beginning April 14 at CCC Seek His Kingdom. Did you know that Jesus spent most of his time teaching about God's kingdom? As we open Luke 12 together, we'll read about Jesus revealing truths about his kingdom in hopes that his followers will see the kingdom realities around them. When we can see our daily interactions through the lens of God's kingdom reality, it will change the way we seek to live. Change us, King Jesus! Which brings to mind one last quote from Frances Ridley Havergal: If the King is indeed near of kin to us, the royal likeness will be recognizable. - Frances Ridley Havergal

  • Little Light House needs Volunteers

    Date: Saturday, April 13th Time: Anytime between 7:00am-2:00pm (Gala is 11:00-1:00) What: Help set up or tear down, help with silent auction during the program, be a greeter/event host, or a helper for the online auction navigation, etc. RSVP: to this email or call us at 502-206-5390 to volunteer!

  • A Divided Heart Leads to Sin: Community Kids Discipleship @ Home

    Sunday Spotlight: When you read the description of Solomon’s wealth in 1 Kings 10, it is hard not to have some sense of jealousy about the amount of money and power he had amassed. Solomon is described as having 25 tons of gold come into his possession every year as only a portion of his annual increase of wealth. Solomon made everything imaginable out of gold and ivory. In fact, he had so much gold that silver lost its value in his kingdom because it was so accessible to the people. He was a man who had anything and everything that one could ever want in terms of both possessions and wisdom. But after his reign of 40 years came to an end, Solomon’s life ended too. He was buried alongside his ancestors and carried none of his riches with him. When we consider the desirable wealth of Solomon, we ought to be reminded of the unimaginable wealth of God. We could never calculate the wealth and richness of God; He owns it all! He is a good God who doesn’t gather for Himself and leave the leftovers to His children; rather, God gives to His children out of His abundance that we too might enjoy His wealth of grace and mercy both now and in eternity. If you’re looking for wealth, look no further than the cross. The cross is where we find the evidence of God’s gracious hand providing for His children and where we look to find access to His generous heart for eternity. Family Talking Points: What’s something you can never get enough of? How can the company we keep affect our walk with God? (1 Kings 11:29-33) How was God merciful to Solomon? (1 Kings 11:12-13) Discipleship @ Home: Follow the link for additional Gospel Project for Kids resources designed to help you lead a family discipleship experience at home. Solomon's Sin Divided the Kingdom Look Ahead: Books of the Bible Challenge - We are continuing to learn all 66 books of the Bible! This month, we are focusing on the New Testament (Matthew - Colossians). Our favorite way to learn! THE BEST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE SONG | JUMPSTART3 | BIBLE MEMORY SONG ( Printable Books of the Bible Cards - Books of the Bible Coloring Pages - Activity Pages - FREE Books of the Bible Printable: 7 Ways to Make Memorizing Fun! ( Next Week on 4/14 - God Is Good to Give Mercy (Luke 18)

  • T-Shirts for Kenya!

    It is not too late to get a limited edition Kenya t-shirt! All proceeds are going to support sending missionaries to Kenya. If you missed out on Sunday or we ran out of your size PLEASE email with the size you want by FRIDAY, APRIL 12th. $25.00 each!

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