Life. Say that word right now and most people start adding words like overwhelming, unknown, and all the rest of those buzz words.
But in the middle of all that, Jesus keeps doing some awesome things. Considering everything else that's going on, I'd say we should just step back and realize how good Jesus is at taking care of his bride. Here's just 7 things I've seen at CCC.
The Family Gathering Launched!
Each week, the number of families attending the family gathering grew. More than that, the stories that were shared reinforced for us that introducing kids to Jesus is best done with their parents leading the way. While we keep looking forward to bringing back parts of Community Kids, the Lord has reminded us of so many important truths about centering families around Jesus in the last month.
We celebrated baptism!
CCC, how cool was it to celebrate with sign language applause as Kaelyn Vogt was baptized?!?!? Did you know that around the world there are 39 deaf unreached people groups? Would you pray with me that God might use Kaelyn and others who come to Christ Community to reach our deaf brothers and sisters around the world for Christ?
We clarified our discipleship pathway!
As we dealt with some hard passages in Hebrews about our spiritual laziness, we clarified what the journey of being a disciple of Jesus looked like. We asked (And continue to ask), “Where are you?” and, “What’s your next step?” Huge thanks to all those who visualized this on the chalkboard and to Ruby Sullivan for creating a digital version!
We Loved Shelbyville hard!
After getting rained out in June, we had ground to make up in serving our community! We hit the streets! Each project accomplished something extremely significant. On top of that, this month re-opened many conversations about how we serve our partners outside of Love Shelbyville days. So get engaged! And stay tuned! 9 days out of 10, you can’t Love Shelbyville from your couch...
We partnered with Centennial Baptist Church!
Not only did we hit the streets, we did it alongside our brothers and sisters from Centennial Baptist! Coming back to worship with them at 11 was not only sweet, but a reality of the vision that many in our church and theirs have been chasing for some time. We hope it’s just the beginning of how the Lord wants to use as servant leaders in our community.
We sent Money to the Mission!
To date, over $2000 has been raised to help our partners who we would have been engaged with this summer. Here’s more on the initiative: (LINK) It’s not too late to give to this effort. Select the “Money to the Mission” fund at
We heard of 4 new groups that are launched or have plans to!
Each one has a bit of a different story, but in the last couple weeks, God has stirred leaders hearts to be engaged through groups! We know that stepping into biblical community is part of the discipleship pathway, so we celebrate people taking this step while challenging you to contact if you need to get in a group or wonder about what it would look like to start one.
These 7 things are AMAZING! They made July 2020 AWESOME!
But here’s what’s cool - our hope in Jesus means that things can be even BETTER. Church, let’s keep going outside. We know that we will have no trouble doing that as we keep stepping in to what Jesus has for us.