I'm thankful for Godly dads.
Before yesterday's gathering, I got to chat with a dad who is praying for his prodigal and is seeing God answer in some tangible ways.
During the gathering, I was glad to share about the example a Godly witness from a Godly dad in Joe Kilman.
Then, after the gathering, I got to watch as Phil Thurman, a Godly dad, baptized his daughter Mollie! What an awesome moment! Mollie, we celebrate with you! Keep Joining Jesus!
Young families, you serve the body in a way I'd never realized
As that finished up, I noticed one of our older members sitting on the stage with a big smile. I sat down beside them and asked how they were. "I'm just taking this all in and enjoying this. These kids. Running around and playing. They're full of so much life!" So there you have it young families. Those stressful moments where you're telling your kid to quit running, not get on the stage, or whatever other unexpected reprimand you need to give, know that what matters is that you're there. And that the life your little family brings to the larger church family is invaluable.
Getting to church is worth it. Not just for you, but for your neighbor. Your brothers and sisters in Christ. Your kids remind us of the life we have in Jesus.
Who needs Jesus?
D.J. mentioned yesterday that we should begin thinking about who we might bring with us to Easter celebrations at the end of the month. It's something I've said many times in the past, but hearing it yesterday caused me to think a bit more about it. Behind that question is the question, "Who needs Jesus?" And I realized that I often convince myself that most people are ok. I treat people in my life like the man beat up on the side of the road in the parable of the Good Samaritan. Life is beating them and I walk by assuming that someone else will introduce them to Jesus.
There's probably some people in my life who need Jesus and I need to stop and tell them.
How about you? Who in your life needs Jesus?