We often learn about so many incredible humans — past and present — who have changed the world using their influence, their voice, their dreams, and their passion. Kids might find it hard to relate to these dreamers, though, and ask themselves, “Can God use me for something that grand?”
In Up In The Air, our kids will explore the book of 2 Kings and learn through the stories of Elisha that we can dream big with God, have faith in God, count on God’s promises, ask God for what we need, and be used by God. When we choose to follow God, He will guide our words and ways. We will discover that we can always find our strength and security in Him. The sky isn’t the limit anymore . . . not with God’s promises at work in our lives! Our Memory Verse for this month is Colossians 3:2, "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
Along with this series, we have a summer family discipleship activity, called Dream Big. Families will have the opportunity to help kids discover and share their stories. The activity can be completed through the creativity of a dream board using all kinds of arts and crafts supplies, or it can be done through simple conversation starters and quiet time. We want kids to recognize Jesus’ storyline in their own experiences and teach them how to share that story with the world around them. The kids will even have the opportunity to share their dream boards, no matter how big or small, during our gathering time on Sundays.