I'm so thankful for Jeff Bracken and his holey pants! That distinction of seeking the things of this world and never finding and seeking the kingdom and it being easy to find! Good stuff! His message yesterday got me thinking a lot about being satisfied, and it let to digging up this quote from Charles Spurgeon:
“It is a very rare thing to meet with people who say that they have enough.” - Charles Spurgeon
Maybe I can be the person who says he has enough one day. Help me Lord!
Not putting pressure on my kids to be God for me
Equally as encouraging was Michelle Noel! How the Spirit used her story to convict me of making my kids an idol is still creating some healthy cobwebs in my brain to clean out. It's making me realize I put pressure on my kids to be God for me when I push them to perform well in sports or other extra curricular activities. I'm looking for validation from them as a good parent at times. I'm even expecting them to satisfy me with their accomplishments some days.
Kind of makes me sick to realize. Time to repent and realize I need to pray more that my kids would find their identity and self worth in what God says about them, not me.
If evangelism is relational, then evangelism is unrelenting.
We've seen a lot of new faces at CCC in this recent season, and many of them have come relationally connected to our CCC family! But as these people being seeking the Lord or a church family to be a part of, I've been reminded than when evangelism is relational, it must also be unrelenting. We have to keep caring and loving well. We have to keep inviting them into our lives, our homes, and our gatherings. We don't give up on relationships and we don't give up on reaching people for Christ.
If we're committed to relational evangelism, we're committed to unrelenting relationships!
The value of the church & the importance of its leadership
It's always a tender moment when we recommend new leaders to CCC. Yesterday, after a period of testing and learning, we recommended Mike Davis and Ron Boyd as Pastor/Elder candidates for the CCC family. We'll vote on them May 19 after a period where covenant members can expess any questions or concerns about these men.
In reflecting on that this morning, I was reminded of Acts 20:28 (CSB):
Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood.
This verse reminds me of the value of the church; it was purchased by Christ's blood! It also reminds me of the importance of it's leadership; overseers are appointed by the Holy Spirit. This season of appointing new leaders is important CCC! Let's keep in step with the Spirit.