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Search Results

572 items found

  • Celebrating Our Amazing Volunteers in Community Kids!

    If you serve in Community Kids, you're in for a treat! The appreciation cart will be making its way through the Next Gen Space every Sunday morning in May to help you start the morning off right! Even if it's not your day to serve, stop by and pick up a treat to go with your coffee! Serving in Community Kids is fun and sometimes a little crazy, but it is so much more than just childcare! Each Sunday, we have an opportunity to build relationships with families and point kids to Jesus as we follow Him. One of the ways we are called to join Jesus in making disciples is by laying a foundation for discipleship starting in nursery through elementary and beyond. God has called us to walk alongside our families in discipling the next generation of Christ followers. This is only possible through a community of believers willing to serve, like you! So, thank you for your faithfulness. Thanks for caring about kids and families. And thanks for letting God use you. We are honored to partner with you in ministry to impact the lives of kids and parents. "My people, hear my instruction; listen to what I say. I will declare wise sayings; I will speak mysteries from the past - things we have heard and known and that our fathers have passed down to us. We must not hide them from their children, but must tell a future generation the praises of the Lord, His might, and the wonderful works He has performed. He established a testimony in Jacob and set up a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children so that a future generation, children yet to be born, might know. They were to rise and tell their children so that they might put their confidence in God and not forget God's works but keep His commandments." Psalm 78:1-7

  • "Be the Church" membership class adding online element

    When we rolled out our "new and improved" membership class this spring, we used a key phrase: trying. We realized there would probably be needed tweaks. One of the challenges was being able to attend 4 weeks worth of lunches. And yet, there's a lot of ground to cover when it comes to learning about becoming a covenant member at CCC! In response, we've shifted "Be the Church" to a hybrid model. Now, anyone can engage at any time with an online class that covers our beliefs and our covenants. In a couple hours of your own time, and at your own pace, you can take the first part of Be the Church. To complete the process, those who have completed the online class will be invited to attend "Be the Church" events that help them make real connections to groups, serving opportunities, and the mission at large. The next time this class will be offered is Saturday, June 29th. If you're new to the CCC family, we hope you'll jump in to the online "Be the Church" class and take a next towards joining Jesus in going out to make disciples!

  • Love Shelbyville: Grill out for Painted Stone

    Painted Stone (one of our local elementary schools) is having a celebration for 5th graders and their families and have asked for our help! We are looking for 3-4 people that can grill and serve some hamburgers on May 20th from 3:00-7:00pm. If you can help for all or part of that time please email!

  • GO with Sparrow in September!

    We are hoping to send a team from CCC of at least 10 people to serve with Sparrow in Honduras September 28th- October 5th! Deadline to say “yes!” Is June 1st! This will give you plenty of time to prepare/fundraise/etc. Please click the below links for more information or email 2024 Sparrow GO Packet Fall 2024 Team Packet

  • Top of Mind Monday

    Satisfaction I'm so thankful for Jeff Bracken and his holey pants! That distinction of seeking the things of this world and never finding and seeking the kingdom and it being easy to find! Good stuff! His message yesterday got me thinking a lot about being satisfied, and it let to digging up this quote from Charles Spurgeon: “It is a very rare thing to meet with people who say that they have enough.” - Charles Spurgeon Maybe I can be the person who says he has enough one day. Help me Lord! Not putting pressure on my kids to be God for me Equally as encouraging was Michelle Noel! How the Spirit used her story to convict me of making my kids an idol is still creating some healthy cobwebs in my brain to clean out. It's making me realize I put pressure on my kids to be God for me when I push them to perform well in sports or other extra curricular activities. I'm looking for validation from them as a good parent at times. I'm even expecting them to satisfy me with their accomplishments some days. Kind of makes me sick to realize. Time to repent and realize I need to pray more that my kids would find their identity and self worth in what God says about them, not me. If evangelism is relational, then evangelism is unrelenting. We've seen a lot of new faces at CCC in this recent season, and many of them have come relationally connected to our CCC family! But as these people being seeking the Lord or a church family to be a part of, I've been reminded than when evangelism is relational, it must also be unrelenting. We have to keep caring and loving well. We have to keep inviting them into our lives, our homes, and our gatherings. We don't give up on relationships and we don't give up on reaching people for Christ. If we're committed to relational evangelism, we're committed to unrelenting relationships! The value of the church & the importance of its leadership It's always a tender moment when we recommend new leaders to CCC. Yesterday, after a period of testing and learning, we recommended Mike Davis and Ron Boyd as Pastor/Elder candidates for the CCC family. We'll vote on them May 19 after a period where covenant members can expess any questions or concerns about these men. In reflecting on that this morning, I was reminded of Acts 20:28 (CSB): Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood. This verse reminds me of the value of the church; it was purchased by Christ's blood! It also reminds me of the importance of it's leadership; overseers are appointed by the Holy Spirit. This season of appointing new leaders is important CCC! Let's keep in step with the Spirit.

  • Top of Mind Monday

    God doesn't waste pain. Shawn Crowe's story yesterday during the Gathering recalled some of the hardships that people from Midland and our church faced over the last several years. But he did so in a way that reminded us of all that God was still doing in the midst of that, including growing his faith! Top that off with fellow former Midlander Mary Bracken belting out "Ain't no grave gonna hold this body down!" and it felt like CCC was ready to storm the gates of hell with a water pistol! As I reflect this morning, it was a reminder that God doesn't waste pain. He transforms it by the gospel into fuel for the mission. Let's GO! Your leaders want to be praying for you. I sat with our deacon team yesterday afternoon and was reminded of just how deeply our leaders care about our people and how much they want to be praying for God to work in their lives. Your leaders want to be praying for you. Don't be slow to contact one of your leaders; a community group leader, a deacon, a pastor/elder, or staff member, and let them know how we can be praying for you. It's not selfish. It's allowing the church to be the church. One more family.. We're excited to help host a weekend at Barren Heights Retreat Center this summer, but we need one more family to commit to joining our team June 21-23. Here's my ask; Pray this prayer: Lord, do you want our family to join you in this? If he says yes. Contact Katie! We're constantly underestimating God. The Lord has reminded me in about 10 ways since yesterday morning how I'm underestimating just how good and powerful he is. I fail to trust him so often! He wants to do so much more in our lives than we believe. So believe big today. Don't underestimate God. His plans are way better than yours.

  • Barren Heights Retreat: 1 more family needed to serve!

    We need ONE more CCC family to serve the weekend of June 21st-23rd at the Barren Heights Retreat Center! Email for more information or to commit to serving!

  • Undivided: New Unit in Community Kids

    When we build or follow an idol (something we put in the place of God), we are actually confusing the world around us. Our love of other things more than God testifies to the world around us that God is not good enough, that He does not satisfy, and that He won’t do what He says He will do. For an ambassador of Christ, this is not the message the dying world should hear from us. But when we submit to God's authority, accept His mercy and grace, and seek to know and follow Him, we can turn from our idolatry and rejoice in the God who saves.  God alone is worthy of our worship because He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and save us from our sins. God does satisfy, He is enough, and He always does what He says He will do! TIMELINE: Chronological retelling of God's big story from Genesis to Revelation Solomon’s idolatry had led to the kingdom splitting in two. Just as the people were divided against one another, so were they divided against God as they continued to try to worship the one true God along with false gods around them. God raised up prophets to speak on His behalf and warn the people to worship Him alone. (1 Kings 12 - 2 Kings 6) BIG QUESTION: Important Biblical truth from the unit Babies & Toddlers: What is idolatry? Idolatry is loving something else more than God. Preschool:  What is idolatry? Idolatry is loving something else more than God. Elementary: What is idolatry? Idolatry is a sin of the heart in which we love and value something else above God. KEY PASSAGE: Bible verse from the unit to memorize Babies & Toddlers: Love the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 6:5 Preschool: Deuteronomy 6:5 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. " Elementary: Deuteronomy 6:4-5 "Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your strength." Discipleship @ Home Follow the links below for resources to engage in family discipleship that align with what Community Kids are learning at church each week April 21 - Jeroboam Disobeyed God (1 Kings 12–13) April 28 - Elijah Served as a Prophet (1 Kings 16-18) May 5 - Elisha Served as a Prophet (2 Kings 2) May 12 - Elisha Performed Miracles (2 Kings 4-6) May 19 - We Are to Worship God Alone (Isaiah 44) **Stay connected by joining the Community Kids facebook group ( and find out more about what we are learning from God’s word each week!

  • A Faith & Family Milestone: Parent/Child Dedications on May 12

    It is a blessing to have growing families within our church! As our families grow in number, we are reminded of the importance of spiritual growth within a family as well. God entrusts parents with the responsibility to guide and teach their children in the faith. Here are three reasons that parent/child dedications are an important faith and family milestone: A child dedication is an acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty and blessings (Psalm 127:3-5). God created our children and loves them; our children ultimately belong to Him. A child dedication is a public declaration of a parents’ commitment to raise their child to know and follow Jesus. It is a first step in family discipleship for parents to intentionally live out their faith and teach their children how to do the same. (Ephesians 6:4). A child dedication is an affirmation of the church’s role to partner with families as they disciple their children all the way from birth through graduation and beyond! CCC desires to walk alongside parents wherever they are in their parenting journey with Biblical encouragement, support, and community (Hebrews 10:24-25). If your family is interested in learning more or participating in our dedication service on May 12, contact Krysta (

  • Top of Mind Monday!

    Now in video! Watch the 5 things on the top of Pastor Blake's mind including suffering, the key to change, Little Lighthouse, and more!

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